Bridget Ray

Bridget Ray

Bridget Ray (Ojibwe/michif) is Director of Philanthropic Relations for the Na’ah Illahee Fund. Bridget is of mixed cultural heritage born and was raised by the Salish Sea immersed in coastal Indigenous traditions.

She graduated from Evergreen State College in 2003 with a BA/BS in Liberal Arts and Environmental Science with a focus in Traditional Ecological Knowledge. A development professional with over 25 years experience, Bridget is an accomplished Tribal Planner with expertise in integrated environmental projects and Native non-profit management.

She is an active participant in Tribal Canoe Journeys, heading up the Green Team effort focused on waste reduction and traditional full circle teachings. Often seen sporting a neon-green cape, her self-proclaimed super power is sorting garbage. Bridget is passionate about sustainable infrastructure for tribal communities, gifting economics, and connecting with and protecting Mother Earth.