View the videos from the 2023 Living Breath Indigenous Foods Symposium, May 5-6, 2023
Day 1
May 5, 2023
- Opening Welcome and Song
- Keynote: Nourishing Resurgence: Mending the Circle of Indigenous Foods - Dr. Melissa Nelson
- Mana Kai: A framework to analyse the expression of mana in kai sovereignty initiatives - Dr Rāwiri Tinirau, Fiona Wiremu, and Cruz Pauro
- Sharing Traditional Foods with a Diverse Community - Craig Campbell
- Eating Local vs Indigenous Knowledge About Food: Exploring the Intersection of Food Systems and Cultural Conversations - Chatell Wallace
- Heron Shadow: a biocultural revitalization Native land project - Sara Moncada
- Tremembé Food Sovereignty and Indigenous Agroecology. - Mateus Tremembé
- Fort Peck Tribal Community Garden - Heather Snell
Day 2
May 6, 2023
- ʔux̌awa·ɫ qwa·qik ʔusubaqey (Use What You May Need) - John Reamer
- Karuk Íshyuux & Sahpihnîich Ikpikyav: Resolutions of Reciprocity - Ben Saxon and Jessica Conrad
- Sea-and-Farm to Community - Daniel C., Jen F., Gary B., and Buck J.
- Growing Food Sovereignty at Six Nations; where do we go next? - Adrianne Lickers Xavier
- Amskapi Piikani (Blackfeet) Innovative Pathways to Food Sovereignty - Christen Falcon/Aatsii Koomosaaki
- Cultural Wellness taught while Harvesting Buffalo - Glen Pinkham